That doesn't smell like cocane

As you may have guessed by now I have had issues with drugs in my past (mainly prescription drugs)  but obviously as the title suggests I have stupidly taken cocane (Columbian nose candy as we call it) so I will divulge a little bit into the drug use on this blog but the deeper darker details and reasons behind my drug use will have to wait for another day as this one is about a very stupid and potentially dangerous evening that happened about 5 years ago.

Looking back now I realise my actions where stupid and dangerous, I spent a lot of time working on and off on events as security (Mainly festivals) and I managed to get work at the global gathering, now for those of you who haven't heard of this festival it's an electronic music festival and full to the brim with drugs (more so than any festival I have worked at) so we are doing our rounds and getting to know the people when we walk into a group of blokes that haven't realised we are there so don't have time to hide the drugs, now this is where it gets stupid we confiscated the drugs and went on with our job. It wasn't until we got into the van on the way home I realised we hadn't thrown the drugs away (the logical thing would have been to throw them away as we had no idea what they were) so we split the drugs he had the weed and pills I had the powder like substance.

So at this point in my life I was taking a large quantity of drugs so felt like I was king of the world, indestructible when it came to drugs but this was my dick head ego taking over like usual. So I'm sitting on the floor at my house that i shared with my gf at the time (she was on nights) so my partner in crime came over (won't disclose who it was) they already had 2 grams of Coke in there pocket but I decided this crystal like powder must be pure cocane (I was very wrong). So I'm sitting on the floor racking up the so called Coke on the coffee table (was really low thus sitting on the floor) and we both rolled up our notes and sniffed the line, now I knew I had made a mistake as soon as I sniffed it up the £5 note I have had a lot of drugs and nothing made me fell this ill this quick.

I felt like I was falling through the floor and the room was closing in on me like the scene on trainspotting the tv started talking to me so much so I had to cut the plug off to make it stop, the other parson had to leave as they said the sofa was swallowing them up, now when your on a trip NEVER EVER panic just ride the trip and enjoy but at this point we are both in a bad way as we don't know what's happening. It wasn't until I managed to get into bed I calmed myself down and allowed the trip to be enjoyable and just rode the wave but as I look back I realise how stupid it was sniffing a powder I found at a festival, how dangerous it was and how it could of ended so badly

I want to advise anyone that takes drugs or knows someone that does take them That this isn't an endorsement but if you going to use them please don't be reckless or stupid please Think first and be careful because it's not just your life you ruin it's those around you and those closest to you, please use my fuckups to stop you taking the risk. I can't stop anyone taking drugs but make sure your getting what you expect and don't take anything your not sure of.


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